Fully decorated pictures, December 2005

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1) The dining room has some Chinese style. The laquer paintings are modern, by an artist in Beijing. Paintings and altar table purchased from Dragonfly in Reston, VA.

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2) Deco-styled floral plaques in the hallway from foyer to dining room.

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3) The raised ends make this 19th century Chinese piece an "altar table".

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4) Last years holiday tree, in the family room.

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5) The family room combines Arts & Crafts and Art Deco styling.

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6) Lizards have become our totem animal.

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7) The foyer floor has an Art Nouveau "ribbon and wing" design, that our interior designer found on a picture of a wardrobe.

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8) The Science Fiction has finally left the old 'boards and glass blocks' bookshelves, for these repurposed CD storage shelves, which are shallow enough to fit neatly in this space at the back of the library.

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9) In the library, note the cool Art Deco light fixture, and the Frank Smith piece "Fully Integrated Synthetic Haddock".

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10) Three of these smaller mates to the Library light fixture now grace the basement stairs.

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11) This Art Deco fixture now lights the elevator.

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12) The most recently arrived furnishings are this pair of lamps in the family room, with lizards climbing them.

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13) The blue tone of this Art Deco fixture complements the wall color in Rosie's office nicely.

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14) Will bought these cool light shades in Venice, and our interior designer conceived the mirror in back to feature them.

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15) We stumbled on this Art Deco style wooden screen in an antique shop in Arlington. In front is the "comfy chair", and in back is the elevator door.

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16) The living room has the most Art Deco look. Will's parents acquired the Persian rug and Arab coffee pot while living in Dhahran back in the 1950s.

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17) The Frank Smith metal critter on the mantle goes nicely below Suat Garton's "September Tree".

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18) We finally landscaped the front, and replaced the original really bad concrete driveway with one textured and colored to look like slate.

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19) In mid-December, we had the chaotic mass of shrubbery and weeds on the downhill side torn out, improving the view of the neighbors nice new house. In the spring we'll address the empty space that left.

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20) We put some hollys and "Green Giant" arborvitaes in between the houses, and our neighbor replaced the mess further back with those smaller shrubs.

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21) We added a few plantings on the uphill side.

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22) Even the rec room is improving, with the ex-family room furniture and some Frank Smith art on the wells. Now for some curtains there...

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23) A matched pair of Persian carpets from Will's parents.

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24) They hang upstairs on both sides of the main staircase.

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25) I'm trying hard here to find an angle that shows them both well.

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26) This lace was made by one of the handfull of elderly women still making lace on the island of Burano near Venice.

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27) The vase was a Christmas present to us a few years ago. Its exact color match with the fabric on the more recent chairs is happy coincidence.

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28) The breakfast table is all copper (except for the anti-tarnish coating). The shape is 2 intersecting cones, the base a narrow one and the top a wide one.

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29) We found these mirrors with inlaid peacocks at the Art Deco Society of Washington's annual show and sale in June of 2004.

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30) The cool floor tile in this upstairs bathroom is called River Rocks, by imagine tile. Note the real rocks in the corner.

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31) This Crestron gear delivers streaming MP3s and radio (XM, FM, AM, and Internet) to the built-in speakers in 8 rooms.

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32) The white boxes in the forground are an HAI OmniPro security system. Almond boxes further back are the LiteTouch lighting control system. In between them are a LAN hub, telephone patch panel, and video distribution (that's largely unterminated, as we're not TV people - no cable or satellite, only broadcast). On the left is my 19 inch rack (Any real geek has one - as a good geek, I got it for free, but as a bad geek, I haven't put anything in it yet. The Crestron system would work well in there, but it would cost $1000+ to buy all the Crestron rack mount ears needed, which is silly.)

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