Mostly decorated pictures, December 2002

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1) The dining room with pictures up and better furniture placement.

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2) The Family room fireplace with some art on it. Note the matching copper HVAC registers, which are "metal registers style 2" from The Craftsman Homes Connection.

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3) The next family room project will be a bigger rug, more to scale with the space.

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4) The foyer, from the stairs, with a new dragon mirror and Strange Arborial Delight on the walls.

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5) Looking back towards where picture 4 was taken from, on the stairs above the Hile tall case clock.

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6) Our elevator operator Stefano, waiting to give you a ride.

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7) Wills main computer menagerie, tucked behind his desk.

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8) Wills new office furniture, which he has already covered with clutter.

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