More House Interior Pictures, March 2002

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1) 2nd floor hall bath - note the cool rock pattern floor tile

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2) Rosie's office, with the much nicer replacement carpet

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3) Laundry room on the 2nd floor has a wood floor

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4) Bedroom 3 (Guest room to be), looking towards hall door

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5) Bath shared by bedrooms 3 and 4

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6) Bedroom 2, where the TV hides - note more nice replacement carpet.
That's the elevator door out in the hallway.

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7) Foyer looking at front door - note wooden lights by Cherry Tree Designs

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8) Down basement stairs - the display shelf happened by chance, not intention

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9) At bottom of basement stairs is the exercise bike.
That's the elevator door just left of center, utility room to right.
Rec room door is on far left, storage room on far right.

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10) Basement rec room with the still boxed science fiction collection

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11) Basement bedroom with the carpet finally in, and closet shelving in

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12) Basement bath, which is off the bedroom

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13) Utility room again, only slightly more organized

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14) At least Chickadee (firewall/web server) is up off the floor

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